Weekly Recap - 21 July 2024

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Weekly Recap - 21 July 2024

Demo Disk has a bit of everything going on this week: there's two demos to check out, a game on itch.io for the IndieCade Climate Jam that is wrapping up tomorrow, and one of the most addictive Flash games of all time for FLASHBACK.

A Bonnie Odyssey: Using circular logic in a sci-fi puzzle adventure

A Bonnie Odyssey is an environmental puzzle game by Astrodreamer Studio. The game has a nice exploration element and a set of rotation-based circular puzzles reminiscent of The Witness. The game's narrative sees the player return to the Scottish Highlands in the abandoned headquarters of their father's space-age tech company, offering plenty of opportunities for narrative development. The demo is available here, with the game tracking to be out by the end of the year.

Uncle Chop's Rocket Shop: A wacky and well-oiled game about interstellar auto repair

Uncle Chop's Rocket Shop by Beard Envy Games is a business management sim in which you're a mutant fox performing interstellar auto repair. The game involves you manually repairing ships that come into the shop, with a bunch of tools and a repairman's guidebook in hand. It's very hands-on, and the attention to detail around tinkering with ship parts is an absolute joy. The game's demo can be played here, and the full title should be out in November.

Behind the Hydra's Eyes: A green game about red flags

Behind the Hydra's Eyes is a game developed for the IndieCade Climate Jam, ending tomorrow. It's a narrative game disguised as a management sim where players are the project manager for a wind farm. Things don't quite work out well, and the game explores how green capitalism and corporate culture can enable their own social and environmental problems. Check out the game here.

FLASHBACK: 'Creeper World' by Knuckle Cracker (2009)

For the FLASHBACK series of articles looking at old Flash web titles, we covered Creeper World, a 2009 game by Knuckle Cracker that completely wrote the guidebook on how to design a tower defence game. Compared to single threats along a linear path, the Creeper, a blue goo, expands out across the level, adding a constant and open-ended threat to the formula. The demo for the first game, Creeper World Training Sim, can be played online or on Flashpoint.

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